
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Analysis of Utilization of Animals in Dante’s Infern

       As we can see, Dante uses much animal imagery for sinners in Inferno. From my perspective, there are several reasons by using animals to present the sins.
       First of all, having the punishments with animals is a way to attract the readers and emphasize on the sinners irredeemable guilt. In Canto XXV, the thieves in Bolgia Seven of the Eighth Circle were punished by transforming between monster-liked creatures and human. For example, Agnello comes in human form. He is merged with Cianfa, who looks like a six-legged lizard. The ugly and nasty imagery Dante used enlarges the pain of the sin and also refers to the sin of the sinner. In this case, the sinners took stuffs from others into their own from their lifetime. When they die, their bodies are taken out of themselves.
       Besides, animals give a better sense of the impersonality of those sinners. Human beings have a sense of logic in their minds; however, animals can do whatever they needed to survive. In another word, animals do not know how to control themselves. The endless desires from the animals imply to the sinners everlasting demands. They lost their sense of logic as human beings, so they are considered as animals without a difference.
       Last but not least, the animals are symbols from or main characters from the Bible and myths. Almost each of the animals in Inferno has a reference in mythology. For instance, the snakes on the thieves’ bodies are referring to the snakes from the Garden of Eden. Since the snake deceives Eve to eat the apple on the tree which made Eve a thief, the snake in the book represents for evil.
       There are many other reasons by using animal imagery in Inferno. In my view, for most parts animals are the best medium to transfer the characteristic of the sinners and to enrich the content in Inferno. 

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